Almost everyone wants to DIY most household maintenance activities and save money. And this includes rodents' control. A simple online search for 'online traps' or 'how to eliminate rats' will give you hundreds if not thousands of results.

But are all these DIY pest control methods effective and safe? Here are some risks associated with DIY rodent control.

Poses Serious Safety Concerns

DIY rodent control may involve the use of store-bought rodenticides. However, if these chemicals are misused, they can be extremely harmful to you, your loved ones, and even pets. 

Additionally, rodents carry pathogens that can cause serious diseases like rat-bite fever, tularemia, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, plague, and salmonellosis. Most pathogens are transmitted to humans through rodent bites and inhalation or touching an infected rodent's feces or urine. Therefore, you may want to avoid any form of contact with their droppings by hiring rodent control professionals to eliminate these dangerous creatures. 

You Risk Losing a Lot of Money

The primary essence of any DIY project is to save money. But when it comes to DIY rodent control, you risk spending a lot of money than you would have with hiring a professional service. Since most rodents are nocturnal, it's harder to determine the type of rodent that has invaded your home. If you're unsure whether you're dealing with a house mouse, brown rat, hamster, or a gopher, it becomes difficult to find a solution. 

You may find yourself trying different baits and treatments without getting any results. In the end, the pests are still in your home, so you have to hire a professional exterminator to eliminate them. Save your hard-earned money by hiring a professional service right from the start. 

Most DIY Rodent Control Methods Are Ineffective

You may eliminate several rats in your home using traps or store-bought chemicals. But with large infestations, the effectiveness of these methods is often short-lived or coincidental. For example, numerous rodents may enter your home or office using different entry points. Each of them will require a unique trapping method or bait, which you may not be aware of. Besides, you don't want traps and baits lying all over your property, especially if you have kids and pets. 

It's also important to understand that removal is just one part of the process during rodent control. All the entry points need to be sealed or covered to ensure the rats don't come back. A pest control company can inspect your home to determine the rodents' entry points and close them all. 
