A pest infestation of any sort can be very damaging to your home and very unhealthy for you and your family. Most pests carry germs and even diseases with them, and their droppings can become airborne when left in your carpet or the ductwork of your house. While it's often good to call an exterminator when you know you have a pest infestation of any sort, note a few simple tips to help you cut down on the risk of infestation and keep pests away.

1. Use strong plants

Many pests are turned off by the strong scent of certain plants, so you can use these inside or outside your home to keep pests away. Rosemary is good for keeping ants out of the home and fleas don't like mint. Put a pot of either of these outside the back entryway to your home or put a mint plant in the same room as your dog's bed to help keep fleas away. Bay leaves may also repel roaches, so try leaving a few of these in the kitchen.

2. Keep the home dry

You may think of roaches and ants as only being found in the kitchen but they may migrate to your home's bathroom for the moisture and hydration they'll find in sinks and bathtubs. If you notice any signs of roaches or ants in the bathrooms, take time to dry the tub after every shower and wipe out the sink every time you use it. Run the exhaust fans for a few extra minutes after every shower as well, to remove any moisture still clinging to shower curtains and walls.

3. Remove their hiding places and make your home inhospitable

Rodents may burrow into attic insulation, so be sure you've had pests exterminated and then close up any exposed areas of insulation with drywall. Clean out the home's gutters as often as needed so no pests burrow into those leaves and twigs debris.

Along with cleaning the home, be sure it's inhospitable to bugs. For example, if you store items in cardboard boxes in the basement, the moisture from the basement can be absorbed by the cardboard so it becomes soft and easier for insects to chew on and burrow into. Invest in rubber or plastic totes instead. Only use recycling bins with lids so insects and roaches don't find their way into your cans and newspapers. The more inhospitable your home to pests, the less of them you'll have overall.

If your pest infestation is getting out of hand, it is often better to contact pest management services to take care of it, but continue to follow these tips afterward in order to prevent another infestation.
